British Crusade Sites

In this project, Corliss Slack documents sites in the British Isles with historical connections to the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Many of these sites are connected to objects brought home by crusaders and served as local devotional sites. Overall, this project collects examples of individual strategies for crusade remembrance in order to spark conversations about … Read more

American Catholic History Classroom

The Classroom is a primary document site featuring a range of materials related to the American Catholic experience, organized into teaching-module “exhibits” including documents, photographs, and media.

Post-Reformation Digital Library

PRDL is a select database that organizes the vast array of publicly available digital sources on the development of theology and philosophy during the early modern era (late 15th-18th c.).

Medieval Pilgrim Badges

Medieval Pilgrimage Badges, This website shares knowledge about medieval pilgrimage badges and ideas and tools for studying them, including Guide to Curating Medieval Badges and Pilgrim Souvenirs Interactive 3D Models Publications on badges Classroom activities