Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research
The Institute is an international forum for the promotion of research into the Reformation and post-Reformation eras, particularly through the use and development of digital tools and sources.
TARA: Teaching and Research Archive for the History of Christianity
Sponsored by the American Society of Church History
The Institute is an international forum for the promotion of research into the Reformation and post-Reformation eras, particularly through the use and development of digital tools and sources.
PRDL is a select database that organizes the vast array of publicly available digital sources on the development of theology and philosophy during the early modern era (late 15th-18th c.).
The Center houses a large collection of materials and resources related to John Calvin, Calvinism, the Reformation, and early-modern studies.
The Russian Methodism Digital Archive is an ongoing project collecting sources on the history of Russian Methodism, including a scrapbook, hymns, and newsletter.
Digital, open-access resource that uses biography to document the 2000 year history of Christianity in Africa; biographical figures include men and women, clergy and lay people, Africans and expatriates from around the world.
Searchable database of texts related to Protestant missionary theology, strategy and activity from the 17th-20th centuries, including “classic” texts in mission history as well as biographical sketches and works by mission thinkers.
North American Patristics Society page focused on early Christianity with links to: Encyclopedias Early Christian Texts Oriental Christianity Guides and Bibliographies
This companion website maintained by Lezlie Knox features pictures and maps, as well as useful external links to supplement a study completed with Sean Field of Larry Field’s translation of Margherita Colonna and her two hagiographic legends, Visions of Sainthood in Medieval Rome: The Lives of Margherita Colonna by Giovanni Colonna and Stefania. It is … Read more
Page focused on early Christianity with links to course syllabi and course-related materials, as well as early Christian texts.
Chinese Christian Posters by Center for Global Christianity & Mission Between 1927 and 1951 millions of Christian posters entered the Chinese market. Printed by the thousands onto the cheapest paper, most were used in street preaching and teaching. Others were hung in tearooms and shop windows, or put up with starch and brooms on city … Read more