The Mennonite Library and Archives includes digitized photographs and other images and visual sources including drawings, ledgers, church records, choral books, etc. on Mennonite settlement in the US and Russia as well as missionary activity in Africa and the US among Native tribes.
Resources Available
- Ad Building – Exterior – South View before lamp post – earliest first story (see also below)
- Arkansas Valley Interurban
- Cheyenne ledger drawings from Rodolphe Petter papers
- Hopi Alcatraz photos
- Martyrs Mirror illustrations
- 1870s immigrants (Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper)
- 1870s immigrants, C. B. Schmidt
- WPA Dioramas in Newton, Kansas
- Rodolphe Petter’s English-Cheyenne dictionary (1915)
- Michalin Formularbuch
- Miscellaneous scanned photos (with thumbnail photos)
- Africa
- Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries/Mennonite Biblical Seminary
- Bethel College Administration Building (see also above)
- Bethel College Women’s Association
- Clinton, Oklahoma (Cheyenne missions)
- Darlington, Oklahoma (Cheyenne and Arapaho missions)
- “Flags in Mennonite Spaces”
- Annie Funk (Titanic)
- Scanned for Horst Gerlach in 2004 (mostly Russia)
- Goerz House details at Bethel College
- Lawrence Hart and family
- Mennonite Library and Archives
- Molotschna colony in Ukraine
- Danzig 1806 Choralbuch (manuscript organ accompaniment book)
- Mennonitisches Adressbuch 1936
- Udalrich Hugwald, Adulescentia dialogus, studiorum suorum prooemium et militiae initium (1520) with marginal notes by Conrad Grebel
- Goessel Mennonite Brethren church records, Goessel, Kansas
- Prussian/Polish Mennonite church record books: see “Resources on Mennonites of the Vistula Valley”
Another collection on Conscientious Objectors can be found at